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Narayan from Nepal talks to Knut from Norway. Viewed: 3191 times.
Anne-Tove in the kitchen smiling! Viewed: 1969 times.
Patti seriously explaing but I suppose it was not the nan bread in front of her Viewed: 1894 times.
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Valmir talks to Odd. Viewed: 1830 times.
Picture taken through the window, Grethe (Norwegian) is talking to Per (Denmark). Viewed: 1835 times.
Hanne (Denmark), Valmir (Brazil) in the garden. Viewed: 1921 times.
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Grethe Mjåland (Norway) our organizer in the Jordan project. Viewed: 1976 times.
Bev (USA) with Odd (Norway) and Per (Denmark): Viewed: 1772 times.
Flower in the garden. Viewed: 2706 times.
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Violet in the garden Viewed: 1805 times.
Blooming rips, berries in the autumn. Viewed: 1666 times.
Flowers in the gardan Viewed: 2298 times.
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