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Getting Patti's gifts colorful pencils from the USA flag Viewed: 671 times.
Danish bread made by Hanne Viewed: 752 times.
Hanne describing the danish bread observed by Javier (Epi's husband), Per (Hanne's husband), Patti and Anne-Tove. Viewed: 692 times.
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Looking at the Danish bread Viewed: 883 times.
Knut and Bev Viewed: 717 times.
Danish food observed while explained Viewed: 682 times.
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Hanne's explanation was thorough and clear, wonderful food. Viewed: 686 times.
Patti got struck by the sun when she got the recognition painting. Viewed: 707 times.
Patti recognized for all her devotion and hard work for Kidlink. Viewed: 673 times.
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Marisa gets her recognition and a long speech from Odd. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of the wonderful painting she got. Viewed: 665 times.
Marisa happy, her recognition well deserved for the hard work in Brazil. Viewed: 532 times.
Kiki looking out of the window. Viewed: 872 times.
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